Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt

    The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt

    How “human activities” should be and have been understood throughout Western history.

  • Arts ~

    Arts ~

    Are you ready to add more colour to your life? If yes, then visiting an art gallery could be a perfect way to do so. Discovering different art forms and styles can help you learn more about the beauty of colours and how they can positively impact your life. So, why not plan a visit…

  • Butterfly ~ Heaven 🦋

    Butterfly ~ Heaven 🦋

    True love dies on earth, re-born in Heaven Once upon time there was a butterfly, it was self beautified by yellowish golden colour. The Butterfly was very selfish, cruel and stone hearted. It was having habit of sucking the fragrantic sweetness of beautiful flowers and also it is terrific that it was destroying them with…

  • A few glasses in

    A few glasses in And the alcohol starts working, Barriers are down and people start flirting, There are those it’s ok for, the single types But the ones that are not at the end of the night, May find themselves with decisions to make Some get it wrong because they make it in haste, What…

  • The source and root

    The poor they say, bankrupts the nation Provocative women are why men are raping, People of colour are what’s causing terrorism And the rich are the saviours as if they are the new religion, None of this of course is true but the media will make believers out of you, They already inspire hate and…

  • Totalitarianism acting behind the scenes

    Totalitarianism acting behind the scenes

    Totalitarianism hiding behind the scenes Reminding people of their past traditional dreams, People speak of the times where life was golden But back then democracy was worth upholding, But now the police are there to protect the elite And the rich get wealthier from government policies, And our freedoms are being curtailed as well as…

  • #Jo’s Take: How do you treat people who can do nothing for you? — Joseyphina’s World

    Just like you would someone who can buy you the world. #Jo’s Take: How do you treat people who can do nothing for you? — Joseyphina’s World

  • Is Being Lonely Bad For you?

    Originally posted on Sciencerium: Is Being Lonely Bad For you? “sadness because one has no friends or company.” This is how Oxford Dictionary defines loneliness. However, one does not have to be physically isolated to feel lonely. Isolation and Internet addiction has caused a phenomenon some call the “loneliness epidemic.” with this in mind it…

  • Château Chocolat: Finding Bliss with a Slice of Creamy Chocolate Brownie Cake at Lake Quebec

    Originally posted on Creative Art: As the sun sets over the serene waters of Lake Quebec, casting a golden glow upon the landscape, there is a place where indulgence and beauty intertwine—a haven known as Château Chocolat. Nestled along the lakeshore, it beckons chocolate enthusiasts to experience a slice of pure bliss—a slice of creamy…


    † FIFTH WEEK OF LENT WEDNESDAY † ENTRANCE ANTIPHON My deliverer from angry nations, you set me above my assailants; you saved me from the violent man, O Lord. † COLLECT Enlighten, O God of compassion, the hearts of your children, sanctified by penance, and in your kindness grant those you stir to a sense of devotion a gracious hearing when they cry out to…

  • Returning to the true Self

    Readings for Laetare Sunday, the Third Sunday in Lent (Year C) Joshua 5:9-12 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Psalm 32 This sermon was preached at Christ Episcopal Church in Eureka CA on March 27, 2022. Happy Laetare Sunday! Today is a day in which we are invited to rejoice (which is the English translation of the…

  • Your spiritually driven life as a Spiritual Warrior

    The human road can be winding and pitted with so many challenges, temptations, glitz and glamour that it can distract you from living a spiritually driven life. The ego wants to keep everything status quo because of conditioning. Yet, the spiritual warrior within is lead by our Spiritual Heart with the Conscious Wisdom and Love…

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